Call for Contributions: Adult education research on digitalisation: Concepts – Scopes – Understandings

The network „Adult Education Digitalisation Research“ (NED) was founded in 2019 and has since grown to become the largest network of the Adult Education Section of the German Educational Research Association (DGfE). The anthology „Erwachsenenpädagogische Digitalisierungsforschung: Impulse – Befunde – Perspektiven“ (Adult Education Digitalisation Research: Impulses – Findings – Perspectives), which emerged from the network, contributed to the first classification and outline of a dynamic field of research that will continue to occupy adult education research due to the rapid development of media and technologies and the associated societal and social changes. We take this fact and the need to further substantiate the field of research as an opportunity to invite the members of the network in particular, but also all other interested academics, to contribute to the second anthology entitled „Adult education research on digitalisation: Concepts – Scopes – Understandings“. Our aim is to make the German discourse on research on digitalisation in adult education more accessible to an international audience through an English publication and to strengthen the ability to connect with international discourses.

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